Equal Access Advocates

Five Reasons to Become a Certified ADA Advocate

Become an ADA advocate – Today!

The legal system and its inherent complexities often present a huge challenge to litigants. There are many instances where an individual looking for legal resolution to a conflict faces immense stress during the judiciary process, and consequently ends up with psychological injuries. As a result, the individual is unable to complete the legal process and stay committed to it until the issue is resolved. In effect, the judicial system fails this individual and, in fact, causes more harm than good because of the psychological damage that is wrought to them.

For those litigants who are already suffering from hidden disabilities like these, traversing the legal arena and emerging successful can be a near impossible achievement. Owing to this, these litigants may simply avoid legal remedy even if they have a serious conflict that can be resolved effectively through a court process. As a Certified ADA Advocate you are in the position to help such individuals fight for their rights without exposing themselves to further risk, paving the way to ensuring true equality for persons with disabilities.


Here are five reasons to choose the Certified ADA Advocate career path:

  1. The ubiquitous need for trained and qualified ADA advocates

There are instances of individuals failing to get justice everywhere across the country and this is more likely to happen with disabled litigants who are not in a position to fight for their rights in face of strong opposition. Whether the litigant suffers from a disability that prevents them from seeing their case through to conclusion or the traumatic legal experience has resulted in an invisible disability, there are litigants in every court in the U.S in need of your help and support. By becoming a Certified ADA Advocate you do true justice to your profession and qualifications by ensuring that these individuals are treated fairly and justly.


  1. Explore new opportunities for income

Since these services are an essential requirement at every court in the country, you can establish a flourishing career in this arena no matter where you are based and or where you move. The legal profession is overcrowded and this makes it a challenge for you to establish your name in the industry and attract a large clientele. However, ADA advocacy is a specialized field that not many advocates have the qualifications and certification to excel in. By achieving your certification, you make the best of an emerging opportunity to establish a steady income stream alongside your existing one or to explore a new business opportunity within the legal arena.


  1. Ideal for all legal professionals

Certified ADA Advocacy is not just for lawyers but for all professionals in the legal arena. Whether you are a lawyer, paralegal, social worker, guardian ad litem or psychologist, you can undergo training and certification and take advantage of a new opportunity in a professional field that you are already familiar with. Certification can be a great opportunity for skills upgradation for any legal industry professional.


  1. Advocate for inclusion

With your ADA Advocate certification, you can contribute to a larger social cause by protecting civil rights and functionality of litigants with disabilities. Through your efforts you can ensure that these litigants have equal access to legal resources and they get a fair hearing under the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended 2008.


  1. Cater to a growing clientele

The disability population is already significant in numbers and statistics show that the number is increasing year after year. In 2012, more than 12% of U.S. residents reported a disability. This percentage includes men and women across all age groups, ethnicities and races, and it did not factor in those were institutionalized. That translates into over 37,6000,000 people across the country, a substantial figure indeed1. As a certified ADA Advocate you place yourself right in position to cater to this increasing segment of the American population that is in need of reliable legal advice and support.


Become an ADA advocate – Today!



1: Estimate based on sample of 3,035,296 participants in 2012 American Community Survey (ACS). Erickson, W., Lee, C., von Schrader, S. (2014). Disability Statistics from the 2012 American Community Survey (ACS). Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Employment and Disability Institute (EDI). Retrieved Jul 16, 2015 from www.disabilitystatistics.org