Equal Access Advocates

Loopholes and litigation: the fight against injustice

Passionate counselor seeks to help victims of the court system

Denver, Colo.- October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic
violence is one of many issues that can be dealt with unjustly by the court system.
Karin Huffer has made it her mission to help these victims skillfully stay in the

Through her discussion of law, therapy and research, Huffer reveals a subtype of
post-traumatic stress disorder called legal abuse syndrome, a condition in which
one suffers psychological devastation caused by prolonged injustice. In her book,
“Legal Abuse Syndrome,” Huffer provides an enlightening self-help guide to
those who have suffered cumulative trauma.

“The book gets right to the issue of explaining what’s going on within the
individual trapped in the judicial system, and offers up strategies for renewal of
perspective with eight counseling recommendations,” Huffer said.

Through facts, graphics and heart rendering vignettes, readers grasp elements of
this psychic injury, recognize its causes and benefit from the therapeutic tips
provided. Drawing from her extensive background in marriage and family
counseling, Huffer offers insight on subjects such as divorce, custody, child
protection, domestic violence, corruption and many other societal issues.

Huffer’s hope is that her book will strengthen the confidence and resilience of the
reader, and positively impact the court system by strengthening litigants.